
Chuỗi hội thảo STBI Brown Bag 2018



Khoa Kinh tế, Trường Đại học Kinh tế TPHCM chủ trì phát triển chuỗi hội thảo STBI liên tục từ năm 2012 dành cho các nhà khoa học, nhà nghiên cứu và giảng viên của Khoa Kinh tế với mục tiêu chia sẻ và phát triển ý tưởng. Kế thừa những thành công của năm 2012, Khoa Kinh tế tiếp tục phát triển và mở rộng chuỗi hội thảo cho các nhà nghiên cứu ở các Khoa khác của trường và tiếp tục nhận được những hiệu quả tích cực và 2 năm 2013 và 2014. Từ năm 2015 đến 2017, được sự phản hồi tích cực từ nhiều phía, Khoa Kinh tế tiếp tục phát triển và mở rộng chuỗi STBI cho các nhà khoa học, nghiên cứu viên và giảng viên không chỉ tại trường mà còn các trường đại học khác trong khu vực, và hiện nay chuỗi Hội thảo STBI đã được trường công nhân là chuỗi hội thảo có hàm lượng khoa học cao.

Trong năm 2018, với mong muốn phát huy các giá trị vốn có cũng như những thành công của chuỗi hội thảo các năm trước, Ban tổ chức thực hiện chương trình với tên mới The 2018 STBI Brown Bag Series cùng những định dạng khác hơn một vài yếu tố so với những năm trước. Dưới hình thức chia sẻ ý tương, Khoa mong muốn sẽ tạo những buổi chia sẻ bổ ích định kỳ cho các nhà khoa học, nhà nghiên cứu, giảng viên, nhà quản lý, sinh viên trong tất cả các lĩnh vực và công chúng quan tâm.

Trong định dạng mới này, STBI Brown Bag hướng đến cung cấp một môi trường để học giả, chuyên gia, nhà quản lý chia sẻ những ý tưởng mới. Những ý tưởng chia sẻ có thể xuất phát từ những quan sát thực tiễn về hiệu quả của việc áp dụng lý thuyết, hay một kết quả thú vị từ nghiên cứu. Ngoài ra, các ý tưởng cũng có thể xuất phát từ hợp tác giữa các tổ chức để tìm ra giải pháp cho một số vấn đề. Buổi chia sẻ có không gian mở và được tổ chức vào trưa thứ Sáu hai tuần một lần, bắt đầu từ 11 giờ 30 và kết thúc không quá 12 giờ 45 phút. Diễn giả và khán giả sẽ có 15 phút để trò chuyện và ăn trưa với bánh mì. Khoa Kinh tế sẽ chuẩn bị cà phê miễn phí và nước cho tất cả người tham gia và phần bánh mì cho diễn giả. Diễn giả có thể trình bày một cách thoải mái nhất ý tưởng của mình. Diễn giả được khuyến khích sử dụng bảng lật. Nếu điều kiện và thời tiết cho phép, buổi trình bày sẽ được tổ chức tại khu vực sảnh của Khoa.

Với những thiết kế mới trong định dạng mới này, The 2018 STBI Brown Bag sẽ tiếp tục phát huy những giá trị mà STBI đã và đang mang lại cho công chúng tham gia với số lượng ngày càng tăng.

Chương trình được tài trợ bởi:

Language Plus Academix (LPA) là đơn vị đào tạo ngoại ngữ và kĩ năng đáng tin cậy trong địa bàn TPHCM. Với sự khác biệt đến từ đội ngũ giảng viên nhiều kinh nghiệm giảng dạy và trải nghiệm đa văn hóa kết hợp giáo trình, tài liệu đạt chuẩn quốc tế, LPA sẽ mang đến những giá trị khai phóng và vượt trội cho học viên, hỗ trợ tích cực cho công việc và học tập.


The 2018 STBI Brown Bag Series Schedule

Địa điểm: Hội trường H.001 – 1A Hoàng Diệu, Phường 10, Quận Phú Nhuận, TPHCM

Thời gian: Thứ 6 mỗi 2 tuần một lần từ 11g30 đến 12g45


Date Presenter Topic Language of presentation
16-Mar Hoàng Văn Việt

Success Factors of Agricultural Cooperatives in Vietnam: A Grounded Theory Approach

Horizontal linkage or cooperative in agricultural production is a key for developing agricultural sector, enhancing farmer’s incomes, and improving social, environmental and healthy conditions. However, the development of agricultural cooperative in Vietnam is still limited and facing various challenges. This study aims to identify the success factors of agricultural cooperative in Vietnam by employing the qualitative methodology of the grounded theory approach. The result indicates that there are nine success factors of agricultural cooperative, including: (1) Leadership, (2) Vertical linkage or contract farming, (3) Certificate, (4) Production resources, (5) Model and Management, (6) Interaction, (7) Relationship, (8) Support, and (9) Experience in the previous cooperative


Bùi Bích Xuân

Bui Bich Xuan is currently a teacher and a researcher at Economics Faculty, Nha Trang University. She received her Ph.D in Economics, focucing on Natural Resources Economics, from University of Tromso – The Artic University of Norway in 2017. Her research interests are Fisheries Economics and Management, Bioeconomic Modelling, and Environmental & Natural Resources Valuation. Her current research involves studies of managing the economic conflicts in marine resource use, fisheries management under the climate change impact, and economic valuation of sustainable aquaculture. She has published papers in Natural Resource Modelling Journal, Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management.

Trading off Tourism for Fisheries

This paper presents a deterministic bioeconomic model in which the creation of a marine protected area (MPA) is not only a fisheries management tool but also introduced in order to provide tourism amenity benefits. The theoretical model is illustrated with analysis of the Nha Trang Bay (NTB) MPA in Khanh Hoa province in Vietnam, where the anchovy purse seine fishery is considered. An amenity value function of the NTB MPA is estimated from a discrete choice experiment (DCE) among national tourists. A weighting parameter is added to the bioeconomic model to allow the establishment of a tradeoff between management preferences regarding the two sectors affected by the MPA, fisheries and tourism. Both the theoretical models and the empirical application show how the added amenity values affect optimal fishing practices as well as the identification of the optimal MPA size. Our applied analysis shows that contrary to the argument in most MPA studies with multiple stakeholders, the current management practice in Khanh Hoa prioritizes the fisheries sector heavily compared to tourism, despite high economic cost.


Bùi Trân Phượng

Bà Bùi Trân Phượng du học Pháp từ năm 1968, tốt nghiệp cử nhân giáo khoa lịch sử Đại học Paris I năm 1972, thạc sĩ lịch sử tại Đại học Paris VII năm 1994 và bảo vệ thành công luận án tiến sĩ lịch sử tại Đại học Lyon 2, Pháp năm 2008. Tốt nghiệp đại học, bà Phượng về nước dạy học tại trường Marie Curie và là giáo sư thỉnh giảng tại trường đại học Cần Thơ. Từ 1975 đến 1991, bà công tác tại trường đại học Sư phạm TP.HCM với các chức vụ: Chủ nhiệm bộ môn lịch sử Việt nam, Phó chủ nhiệm khoa sử. Năm 1991, bà chuyển công tác về trường cao đẳng bán công hoa sen, rồi đảm nhiệm vị trí hiệu trưởng đại học Hoa Sen từ năm 1996 đến 2017.
Ngoài việc là nhà quản lý giáo dục, bà còn là nhà nghiên cứu khoa học say mê. Từ năm 1975 đến 1992, các công trình nghiên cứu của bà tập trung vào lịch sử cận hiện đại Việt Nam và lịch sử văn hóa và lịch sử phụ nữ Việt Nam. Bà được tổng thống Pháp Nicolas Sarkozy trao tặng huân chương Quốc công bậc Hiệp sĩ vì những đóng góp trong phát triển ngôn ngữ và văn hóa Pháp (năm 2012). Bà nhận giải thưởng “Vì sự nghiệp văn hóa và giáo dục” của quỹ Văn hóa Phan Châu Trinh năm 2013 vì đóng góp có hiệu quả trong nhiều năm qua góp phần đổi mới giáo dục đại học và cao đẳng tại Việt Nam.

 Đâu là kết quả của giáo dục đại học  Vietnamese

Fu-Chuan Lai

Fu-Chuan Lai obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1995. His major fields are Regional Economics and Urban Economics. He worked in National Taipei University during 1995-2009, and then moved to Academia Sinica until now. His current positions are Research Fellow in Academia Sinica, and serve as the President of the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organisation (PRSCO) and the President of Chinese Regional Science Association-Taiwan.

He has published papers in Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Urban Studies, Annals of Regional Science, Papers in Regional Science, Mathematical Social Sciences, Japanese Economic Review, Taiwan Economic Review, Pacific Economic Review.

A Selective Review on Location Theory

He will start from Hotelling (1929) and some related early studies. Then, he will discuss an important paper written by d’Aspremont et al. (1979), where they showed that Hotelling’s result is invalid. In the 1980s and 1990s, there are so many debates around the correction and applications of the Hotelling model. He will deliberate the debate in the past three decades and provide his opinion on this issue.


Alexander Boome

Alexander Boome is Program Director of the Hinrich Foundation, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is promoting sustainable global trade. Alex has 30 year’s expertise creating business opportunities for export companies in Asia, including Greater China, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Prior to the Hinrich Foundation, he worked in the business-to-business export media industry with NASDAQ-listed Global Sources as General Manager of corporate marketing. He served as a US Peace Corps volunteer in Palawan, Philippines, from 1987 to 1989 where he established programs in community development, family health and the sustainable use of natural resources.

The Hinrich Foundation Sustainable Trade Index

In conjunction with the Economist Intelligence Unit, we launched the STI in 2016 and will publish the 2018 index in June. The Hinrich Foundation Sustainable Trade Index (STI) was created for the purpose of stimulating meaningful discussion of the full range of considerations that policy makers, business executives, and civil society leaders must take into account when managing and advancing international trade. As a starting point, we define “trade sustainability”, or “sustainable trade,” as: “Participating in the international trading system in a manner that supports the long-term domestic and global goals of economic growth, environmental protection, and strengthening social capital.”


Vu Tuong Thuy

Dr. Tuong-Thuy Vu is currently the Dean of Science and Engineering, Hoa Sen University and the Asia Chair of GeoforAll network. He received his MEng and DEng in Geoinformatics in 2000 and 2003, respectively. In 2003-2006, he worked as a research scientist at Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Kobe, Japan before joined Chiba University as a postdoctoral researcher in between 2006 and 2007. In both places, he focused on the employment of geospatial technologies in disaster mitigation and management. He then joined GEO Grid team of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan to further expand the research onto high-performance computing platform. In 2008-2010, he was with Geoinformatics division, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden as a lecturer. In 2011, he joined University of Nottingham and worked as an Associate Professor of the School of Geography and Head of OSGEO research lab until 2017. He was also the Vice-Chair of IEEE Geoscience and Remote sensing, Malaysia chapter. He received his Docent title in Geoinformatics from KTH in 2014. His research interest includes big geodata analytics, urban remote sensing, location-based crowd-sourcing, and disaster management.

Big Earth-Observation Data Analytics for a changing world

Walking through the long history of earth observation (EO) technology development, the talk explains how this technology can play its crucial role in our daily life. The timely captured EO data have been widely used in environmental monitoring, land-use/land cover mapping, urban planning, disaster management, and enables the long-term monitoring of socio-economic development globally. In the era of big data today, EO data can even take advantage of better storage and computing platforms for a faster dissemination of the derived information. The focus then is geared towards the current development of EO technology in Vietnam and what would be the position for research and development of big EO data analytics by Vietnamese universities and organizations to further expand the uses of this technology in Vietnam.


Ho Quoc Thong

Ho Quoc Thong, currently working as a lecturer for the Dept. of Economics, Tay Nguyen University, is now under a write-up scholarship funded by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He has recently finished a Ph.D. program at the School of Economics and Finance, QUT. Thong also obtained his Masters’ degree from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. His research interests are about (i) efficiency and productivity analysis; (ii) economic and environmental performance analysis; (iii) economics of climate change; and (iv) applied econometric analysis. He also worked as a teaching assistant and research assistant at QUT.

His recent papers were published in Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (EAP) and Journal of Cleaner Production (JCP). He has also served as a referee for several journals, i.e., Economic Analysis and Policy, Journal of World Development, and Journal of Industrial Ecology.

Special session: Irrigation water efficiency in coffee production: Does technology or sustainability certification matters?

The unsustainable use of irrigation water is one of the most serious environmental concerns in coffee farming. Many sustainability certification schemes aim to promote more sustainable water use; however, there lack empirical evidence on the effects of those schemes on water efficiency. This study measures water efficiency and examines the effect of certification on water use, employing a dataset of 896 Vietnamese coffee farms over three crop years. Due to distinct differences between the two predominant irrigation methods – overhead sprinkler and micro-basin irrigation technologies – the meta-frontier framework is used to estimate water efficiency of sustainability certified and non-certified farms. Results confirm that farms using the sprinkler system are more efficient than farms using the micro-basin irrigation technology. Average water efficiency scores with respect to these technologies are less than 0.5, implying that farms can reduce water use by more than 50% without trade-off scarifying. After controlling for differing technologies used, the effect of sustainability certification on water efficiency is not significant. Our results favour interventions that aim to promote the adoption of advanced irrigation technologies to reduce consumption of irrigation water.



Tran Ngoc Dang

Dr. Tran Ngoc Dang, is currently a lecturer in Department of Environmental Health, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City (UMP HCMC). He obtained his bachelor degree in Public Health from UMP HCMC in 2010. He got the Japanese Government scholarship (MEXT) to pursue his master of Public Health degree, majoring in molecular epidemiology; and the doctoral degree majoring in environmental epidemiology at the university of Tsukuba in 2014, and 2017 respectively. So far he has published about 20 peer-reviewed publications in ISI international journals, including prestigious journals such as Environmental Health Perspective, American Journal of Public Health, Scientific Reports, Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, BMC Medical Genetics.

He has involved in a project funded by National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), in which he plays a role as a data analyst. Dang has expertise and solid skills in biostatistics. He also the founder of “Bayes for Vietnam” website, where people share tutorials on how applying Bayesian using R into medical sciences ( Currently, Dang is a journal official, and statistical advisor for the MedPharmRes journal, an international journal of UMP HCMC. He also is a reviewer for several international journals, including Plos One, American Journal of Public Health, International Journal of Biometeorology.

Green Space and Deaths Attributable to the Urban Heat Island Effect in Ho Chi Minh City

Objectives. To quantify heat-related deaths in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, caused by the urban heat island (UHI) and explore factors that may alleviate the impact of UHIs.

Methods. We estimated district-specific meteorological conditions from 2010 to 2013 using the dynamic downscaling model and calculated the attributable fraction and number of mortalities resulting from the total, extreme, and mild heat in each district. The difference in attributable fraction of total heat between the central and outer districts was classified as the attributable fraction resulting from the UHI. The association among attributable fraction, attributable number with a green space, population density, and budget revenue of each district was then explored.

Results. The temperature–mortality relationship between the central and outer areas was almost identical. The attributable fraction resulting from the UHI was 0.42%, which was contributed by the difference in temperature distribution between the 2 areas. Every 1-square-kilometer increase in green space per 1000 people can prevent 7.4 deaths caused by heat.

Conclusions. Green space can alleviate the impacts of UHIs, although future studies conducting a heath economic evaluation of tree planting are warranted.


 Ngo Quang Thanh

Ngo Quang Thanh is a Senior Research Fellow at the Southern Center for Agriculture Policy and Strategy, Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture Rural Development. His expertise and research interests focus on development issues using quantitative analysis tools, including both contemporary econometric technique and the spatial one. Recent topics of his work include: the political economy of membership’s Communist Party of Vietnam; climate change and agriculture production; SMEs and technology change; and migration. Currently, Ngo Quang Thanh lives in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Economic and non-economic returns to Communist Party membership in Viet Nam

Single-party political systems exist in a number of countries, such as China and Viet Nam. In these countries, party membership is potentially an important source of economic and social status. This paper investigates these effects and the mechanisms behind them. In particular, we use household- and individual-level panel data to analyse the causes and consequences of Communist Party membership in rural areas of Viet Nam. Fixed effects models are employed to control for unobserved differences between party members and others. Results suggest that party membership has a moderate positive effect on income, on the order of seven per cent, and a large positive effect on subjective well-being, even after controlling for income. Party membership is closely associated with working for the government but also appears to increase the propensity to use credit and to boost income from farm and non-farm enterprises. There are strong gender effects: men are several times more likely to be party members than women, and the effects of membership on income and subjective well-being are only present among men. Overall, results confirm that in spite of pro-market economic reforms, Communist Party membership continues to be of high value in rural Viet Nam.


Lê Vũ Quân  


Eva Albers Professor of Economics and Director of the International Business Programs at Seattle University. Dr. Le teaches primarily in the areas of international economics, macroeconomics, and economic development. His research is in the areas of institutions, governance, global health, and entrepreneurship. He has been published in a number of academic journals including Journal of International Money and Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, Public Health, and International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research.  Dr. Le has twice been a recipient of the Fulbright Scholar – in 2005-2006 at the Vietnam National University in Hanoi and in 2015-2016 at the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program in Ho Chi Minh City.  He is a regular visiting faculty at several universities in Vietnam. He also provides consulting services to NGOs, government agencies, and multilateral institutions in Vietnam.


2018 STBI Brown Bag Series Special Session:

Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Global Production of Coffee: A Panel Data Analysis of Exporting Countries

 We develop a model to understand the future of global coffee production in the face of climate change. To get a holistic perspective, we examine the entire global coffee supply covering a period of over 20 years from 1992-2015.   The novelty of this paper is the way we construct instrumental variables. Generally, it is difficult or practically impossible to find instrumental variables that are uncorrelated with the regressors. Our modelling approach allows us to construct such series that are guaranteed to be uncorrelated with any regressors we will use. This is possible because we were able to extrapolate structural shocks such as supply, demand and speculative shocks in the coffee market, and then use those shocks as instrumental variables.  We find that there is a positive effect of increase in prices paid to farmers and the supply of coffee. In addition, by including structural coffee market shocks as instrumental variables in the fixed effects model, we find that climatic variables tend to underestimate the effects of supply shocks on the quantity of coffee grown. By using this model, we believe that we can deliver a more accurate understating of price elasticity and the potential impacts of climate change on global production of coffee.


Coffee and Climate Change_QLe


Tran Hoang Nhi

Tran Hoang Nhi is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University. Her expertise and research interests focus on policy analysis using national and regional computer general equilibrium (CGE) models. Examples of her work include: the construction and application of dynamic CGE models with extensive fiscal detail for the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance, the Malaysian Ministry of Finance and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance; the construction and application of a model with detailed labor market modelling for Vietnam and Oman; and the construction and application of a multiregional dynamic model of Australia with migration detail.

 2018 STBI Brown Bag Series Special Session: Applications of CGE models in Vietnam and in the World

Room:A205, 59C Nguyen Dinh Chieu, District 3.

Time: 3:00


Đỗ Hữu Nhân

Đỗ Hữu Nhân là thành viên trong nhóm nghiên cứu E.C.O.N gồm 7 sinh viên, thuộc chuyên ngành Kinh tế học ứng dụng, Khoa Kinh tế, Đại học Kinh tế TP. Hồ Chí Minh. Nhóm định hướng thực hiện các nghiên cứu sử dụng các bộ dữ liệu thứ cấp ở Việt Nam. Các chủ đề nhóm hướng đến là Kinh tế vi mô ứng dụng và Kinh tế môi trường.


Học Vấn Của Cha Mẹ Và Sức Khỏe Của Trẻ – Nghiên Cứu Thực Nghiệm Tại Việt Nam

Đề tài này tập trung nghiên cứu những tác động từ trình độ học vấn của cha mẹ đến sức khỏe của trẻ thông qua các chỉ số nhân trắc và tiêm chủng. Bên cạnh đó, các ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố kinh tế – xã hội, thuộc tính của trẻ, thuộc tính của hộ gia đình cũng được quan sát xem có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của trẻ như thế nào. Thông qua việc sử dụng phương pháp nghiên cứu định lượng: thống kê mô tả và phương pháp Ước lượng bình phương nhỏ nhất (OLS) dựa trên dữ liệu chéo từ bộ Điều tra đánh giá các mục tiêu về trẻ em và phụ nữ (MICS4) ở Việt Nam năm 2011, bài nghiên cứu cho thấy trình độ học vấn của bố và mẹ có tác động tích cực đến sức khỏe của trẻ. Ngoài ra, thu nhập của hộ gia đình, khu vực sinh sống và giới tính của trẻ cũng ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe thể chất của trẻ dưới 60 tháng tuổi. Từ khóa: học vấn của cha mẹ, sức khỏe của trẻ, HAZ, WAZ, WHZ, MICS.


Do Huu Luat

Do Huu Luat is working as Data manager and Research associate in EfD – Vietnam. He holds a Master of Art in Development Economics from Vietnam- the Netherlands programme which is the joint program between University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and International institute of Social Studies – Erasmus University Rotterdam. His areas of research interest are Environmental Economics, Production Economics and Applied Microeconomics. His recent paper has been published in Land Use Policy.


The mangrove area in Viet Nam is dramatically decreasing in the last decades. Since 1995, mangrove forests in South Vietnam are allotted and contracted to households for protection, management and logging. Under this policy, households are allowed to convert 20 to 40 percent of the allotted forests into other uses, mainly shrimp farming. Most households develop mixed shrimp-mangrove farming systems, in which shrimp ponds are mixed with mangrove forest. With the poor enforcement of the forest assignment policy, however, the mangrove forest is over-extracted as farmers are converting more than the allowed level for larger water surface areas for shrimp farming and higher returns. In this study, we examine the impacts of mangrove coverage of mixed mangrove-shrimp ponds using the production and profit functions. Our analyses show that mangrove coverage affects productivity and profit of shrimp farming. The optimal mangrove coverage for shrimp farming is found to be approximately 60 percent. This implies that maintaining the level of mangrove coverage of 60 percent does not only to comply with the policy, but also bring about the highest level of output and profit for shrimp farmers.

Keywords: mangrove, shrimp farming, productivity, profitability. 


Thuỳ Vy Nguyễn

Dr. Thuỳ Vy Nguyễn received her Ph.D from the University of Rochester under the supervision of the two world-renowned motivation researchers, Drs. Edward Deci and Richard Ryan. Her current research focuses on the science of solitude and tries to understand how we can take advantage of daily doses of solitude to benefit our own psychological well-being. She is also an active advocate for the movement toward a more transparent and accessible science. Through her works, she hopes to inspire people to own the choice that we make to strive for best of who we are, to be present not only with ourselves but also with others, and last but not least, be authentic in our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and communication.

The Self-Determination Theory

Dr. Thuỳ Vy Nguyễn will talk about the theoretical framework that has shaped most of her research questions, the Self-Determination Theory (SDT). SDT is a theory about human motivation. At the core, the theory explains why we do what we do and what are the ingredients for healthy motivation and psychological wellness. Initially developed by Drs. Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan, SDT has been elaborated and refined by a network of scholars around the world. Specifically in this talk, Dr. Nguyễn will discuss how SDT has been used as the framework to understand how teachers can help their students to engage in deep, meaningful learning, what make organizations succeed at supporting their employees’ well-being and reduce physical illness, and why some people achieve their goals and live a healthy, fulfilling life.


Trần Thị Tuấn Anh

Lecturer at School of Economic Mathematics and Statistics.

Research interests: Quantitative analysis, Econometrics, Mathematical economics


Why quantitative techniques are so important?

One of the reasons for the importance of quantitative technique is that it will enable industry/business organizations gain competitive advantage, as follow:

Provide a tool for scientific analysis

Provide solutions for various business problem

Enable proper deployment of resources

Minimize waiting time and servicing costs

Render great help in  optimum resource allocation

Enable management to decide when to buy and how much to buy.

Facilitate the process of decision making

Predict the reactions of the integrated business systems

How about the other reasons? How to choose and use quantitative research methods and tools?


  Truong Thanh Hiep

Lecturer at School of Economics .

hold a Master of Art in Development Economics from Vietnam- the Netherlands programme which is the joint program between University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and International institute of Social Studies – Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Research interests: Real Estate Economics, Personel economics and behaviors economics


Mục tiêu của bài nghiên cứu là phát triển mô hình lý thuyết tìm kiếm của người tìm việc tại nhiều thị trường khác nhau nhằm phân tích ảnh hưởng của lượng vốn xã hội lên hành vi của người tìm việc tại các thị trường này. Kết quả phân tích của mô hình lý thuyết đã chỉ ra rằng lượng vốn xã hội của người tìm việc sẽ tác động lên hành vi của người tìm việc ở các khía cạnh sau: (1) người tìm việc sẽ có xu hướng thiết lập mức lương ngưỡng cao hơn tại những thị trường mà họ có lượng vốn xã hội cao hơn, nguyên nhân là do người tìm việc dễ dàng nhận được lời đề nghị việc làm trong thị trường này, ngoài ra trong thị trường này, người tìm việc cũng tốn ít chi phí tìm việc hơn. (2) lượng vốn xã hội có tác động làm gia tăng thặng dư biên của quá trình tìm việc, và do đó những người tìm việc có lượng vốn xã hội cao thường sẽ không gặp nhiều áp lực, họ tự tin hơn trong quá trình tìm việc, họ có tâm lý thoải mái hơn trong quá trình tìm việc. (3) mô hình lý thuyết cũng đồng thời phát hiện lượng vốn xã hội của người tìm việc có tác động đến mức độ nỗ lực của người tìm việc. Kết quả phân tích cho thấy rằng những người tìm việc với ít vốn xã hội có tâm lý nỗ lực nhiều hơn trong quá trình tìm việc, ngược lại thì những người có nhiều vốn xã hội thường lười tìm việc hơn. (4) và cuối cùng, mô hình lý thuyết cũng chỉ ra rằng những người có vốn xã hội ít thường có xu hướng di cư đến những nơi có mức phân bổ lương cao hơn để tìm việc, ngược lại thì những người có vốn xã hội nhiều thì lại chấp nhận ở lại địa phương, nơi họ có nhiều vốn xã hội, để tìm việc dù rằng phân bổ tiền lương tại địa phương là thấp hơn.


 Nguyen Ngoc Hieu

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hieu is Senior Lecturer on governance issues of Sustainable Urban Development, Vietnamese – German University and Visiting Lecturer for Technical University Darmstadt, Germany.

He gained his Ph.D. on Urban Planning and Development, University College London (UCL), the UK, in 2008. He has over 20 years working in as lecturer and researcher in urban governance, with both international and domestic clients such as the World Bank, UN-Habitat, ADB, municipalities, planning society and consulting firms.

His research interests align with urban development management and its institutions such as urban research methods, urban development management tools, measuring urban government, building consensus in development, and urban development strategy.  Recently he is working on tools for managing collaborative development and building institutional platform for managing integrated development towards smart city.

Managing cross-sector and levels in urban development

The Discussion will center on the managing cross-sector and levels in urban development, with examples on congestion reduction and flood alleviation in Hochiminh city as well as some hints on developing business models and managing integrated development in the digital era.


 Pham Van Anh

First class Honors degree in Nanyang Technological University- Singapore

Dean’s List for Meritorious Performance from Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore for Master in Public Administration.

Seven years of management experience in a Vietnamese Non-Government Organization (NGO) that focuses on education and civic engagement.

Director of the Center for Service-Learning in Hoa Sen university in Vietnam, in-charged of integrating meaningful community service into the university’s curriculum to enrich the learning experience and leadership developments for students, instill a strong sense of society and strengthen the community.

Received different meritocracy awards from the Government of Vietnam for community and social development in rural areas.

The new teaching & learning model in college: learning by serving Vietnamese

Do Huu Luat

Do Huu Luat is working as Data manager and Research associate in EfD – Vietnam. He holds a Master of Art in Development Economics from Vietnam- the Netherlands programme which is the joint program between University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and International institute of Social Studies – Erasmus University Rotterdam. His areas of research interest are Environmental Economics, Production Economics and Applied Microeconomics. His recent paper has been published in Land Use Policy.


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Nguyen Hoai Bao

Bao Nguyen is a lecturer in Economics from the Development Policy Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University (ANU) and School of Economics, University of EconomicsHo Chi Minh City (on leave). Currently, he is a visiting lecturer at University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) as part of the ANU-UPNG partnership. He is also a research associate at the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA) at the Australian National University. His current research focuses on the relationship between energy and commodity price dynamics and macroeconomic performance on various economies (Australian, Chinese and the US). He received his PhD from ANU and he has publications on Economic Record and Energy Economics

Linear and nonlinear VAR models in applied macroeconomics

In this talk, Bao provides an overview about different classes of linear and nonlinear VAR models that have been recently employed in empirical macroeconomics. These models include a linear VAR, time varying parameter VAR, smooth transition VAR and Markov switching VAR. He also briefly introduces the Bayesian techniques that used to estimate these models.  Different identification strategies are also discussed and demonstrated by Bao’s recent work.
