
Master in Valuation and Asset Management


The Master in Valuation and Asset Management program offer learners improve their professional knowledge and operation skills. The ability to work independently and creatively in the valuation and asset management area are integrated.

Mastering professional knowledge on asset valuation and management is ensured to meet all requirements on valuation and asset management activities for all economic sectors. Using proficiently analytical tools to analyze data effectively in the process of valuation methods and management. Ability to practice professional valuation and asset management of different types of properties in Vietnam and international valuation organizations.

Program Objectives


STT Description (Description)
PO1 Specialized knowledge of valuation and asset management quản

D understand and tailstock ng proficient knowledge of valuation and asset management.

PO2 Interdisciplinary knowledge

In-depth knowledge of law and finance and accounting for valuation and asset management activities.

PO3 Ability to organize, manage and operate

K huh energy organization, management , operating in the organized profession in the field of valuation and asset management in Vietnam and internationally.

PO4 Ability to apply information technology

Data analysis skills, application of information technology in service of valuation and asset management.

PO5 Scientific thinking and innovation

Having critical thinking and problem-solving ability, scientific research methods to continue studying and researching at higher training levels at home and abroad.


Learning Outcomes

Curriculum Master specialized Valuation and asset management with the common goal is to help participants improve professional knowledge and skills of their professional activities, have the capacity to work independently, creative thinking , capable of detecting and solving problems in the field of valuation and asset management

School graduates high school specialized in sector valuation and asset management will achieve the following outcomes:

STT Described description)
3.1.1 Knowledge Output Standards
PLO1.1 Apply (Applying) a flexible and efficient knowledge of foreign languages, information technology, knowledge of economics, politics, social service of research and operational in the field t flagship valuation and management property value.
PLO1.2 Applying (applying) fluently the knowledge of law, financial accounting in evaluating the process of valuation and management of various types of assets.
PLO1.3 Apply knowledge of administration and management to operate and make decisions in valuation and asset management activities.
PLO1.4 Evaluation (Evaluating) the information and assumptions relating to assets and market to choose the method of valuation and building asset management strategy accordingly.
PLO1.5 Applying (Applying) is the advanced knowledge of informatics, proficient use of specialized software for the professional field .
3.1. 2 Skills Output Standards (Skills)
PLO2.1 Ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate data related to assets, businesses, and markets to provide effective and scientific treatment solutions.
PLO2.2 Ability to organize, manage and administer valuation and asset management activities at professional organizations in Vietnam and internationally.
PLO2.3 Ability to use and improve techniques and technologies applied in research and career activities in the field of valuation and asset management.
PLO2.4 Have the ability to communicate and discuss professional and scientific issues, the ability to do scientific research in the field of valuation and asset management to continue studying and researching at higher training levels in Vietnam. domestically and internationally.
PLO2. 5 Fluent use of foreign languages ​​(English) in communication (listening, speaking, reading and writing) at capacity level 4/6 – Vietnam’s Foreign Language Competency Framework
3.1. 3 Output standards Autonomy and responsibility
PLO3.1 Compliance with the law, standards of professional ethics, civic responsibility and dedication.
PLO3.2 Ability to self-study and come up with effective solutions and initiatives that can be applied in valuation and asset management activities.
PLO3.3 Capable of self-directing, orienting and guiding others to research and perform professions in the field of valuation and asset management.
PLO3.4 Able to handle research and professional problems flexibly and effectively.
PLO3. 5 Ability to manage, evaluate and improve research and professional activities in the field of valuation and asset management.


Career Development

  • State departments: Department of Finance, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Price Management
  • Valuation Company, Audit Firm.
  • Banking and financial Organization, Investment
  • Property Company, Asset management company.